I recently became a member of swap workshop, a craft community that swaps! This is how it works...
* First you become a member. Really easy just fill in the form.
* Up load some of your stuff. Needs to be either handmade, vintage or craft supplies. You also need to give it a points value e.g 4 points. You can find more info on points in the how to section on the site.
* Wait for someone to want your item, they will send you a msg and a points number. You get the number checked by admin and then send the item.
* The buyer sends a msg to say they have received item and you get sent a points number.
* You can then spend your points on any thing you want upto the value of your points!
Its great i've just received a fantastic bracelet and i have some more items on the way!! (pics to come soon)
So go check it out
My user name there is CANDYAPPLE if you need any help!
See you soonX